Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Holiday is Officially Over

Seriously. Enough cookies already!

A week before Christmas, I went to the doctor for a little problem. As she and I were talking, she flipped through my file and low and behold there was a cholesterol report from 2008 (that no one had called me about), and, people, my levels were nothing to brag about.

I tried cutting back before the holiday, but that didn't work. I kept saying, "I'll eat at this one party, then tomorrow I'll get on track." I never really knew how many parties I went to or celebrations I participated in until I tried to stop eating!

So now, here it is, Monday morning. January 4. The excuses are gone. (So are most of the cookies and candy.) And I have to start somewhere.

I'm asking a few of my writing friends to contribute low fat recipes to my Homecooking blog. I'm hoping we can get my cholesterol down and have some fun at the same time.

susan...the cookieless.

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