Monday, May 9, 2011

Why Do You Procrastinate?

Right now I'll bet you're gasping, saying, How does she know I procrastinate? Because everybody does. If there are times you find it difficult to do your work, be comforted in the knowledge that everybody procrastinates sometime.

Enjoy that warm, fuzzy feeling of being normal, then shake yourself out and ask yourself if you want to be normal.

I don't. Anybody who knows me well is now laughing. I don't do normal. Just ask my cats -- or my kids.

The thing is we're all different. We've all been given different gifts and talents. The question you want to be the same as everybody else, or do you want to be the person you were made to be? Do you want to use the gifts God gave you?

Of course you do.

So why don't you?

Well, you could be overbooked and busy. Especially if you're still in those childrearing years. Oh Lord. I think back on those years and wonder how I surived. It's a miracle that it was in those years that I got published. But, there's an old saying...if you want something done, give it to a busy person!

Why? Because we're more organized. But we also know that to get anything worthwhile done, we have to sacrifice.

Sacrifice isn't a very popular word these days. We're more like that song...I want it all. I want it all...and I want it now! LOL

But the truth is sacrifice is a lot easier than you think. In the 1980's and 90's when I was raising kids and writing books and working full time, I rarely watched TV.

Now, think this YOU remember the television from the 1980's or 90's. Do you genuinely think I missed anything? LOL

And if I did...did I catch up with most programs in reruns in the 2000's? Yep. Yep. I did.

So what did I lose? Even if I never caught up...did I lose anything?

Not really.

If you look at your schedule, you will find something like television that you can "give up." There's always something that you can back away from...and when you back away, you will find time for your special project.

So this week, spend some time seriously looking at the things you do every day...and I think you'll find the time you need for those things you need to do to feed your soul.


Hey, if you bought a copy of SECOND CHANCE BABY, thanks! If not...get out there and help me make a living. :P

You'll want to be all caught up when book #3, A BABY ON THE RANCH comes out in June!


Sonia G Medeiros said...

I struggle so hard with creating and sticking to a routine. I have slowly put together one that works for all my obligations, but I have to make myself do it everyday. It's worth it, of course. I've given up a lot of tv and game apps on the iPhone...but it's worth it to meet all my goals.

Susan said...

I think you found the trick, Sonia.

Find something you want so much that you're willing to give up things that don't mean as much!

Good for you!


Susan said...

The world is filled with so many distractions these days that I believe we don't even realize how much time is being stolen from us.

While technology connects us in some wonderful ways...2 of my nieces pay Scrabble with each other all day long, every day. That's fun! And keeps us connected.

But...Sometimes, when we really want to do something big, we need to turn off the distractions.

I was lucky. In the 90's all I had to do was leave the living room! LOL

Thanks for your comment, Sonia!
