Thursday, November 27, 2008

Women Rule the World

Happy Thanksgiving! Like most of you, I have a lot to be thankful for this year. Meditating on that a few weeks ago as I prepared for the Goal Setting workshop in December on Catawriters, I made a lot of interesting observations about life and gratitude. I'll be posting these in January in a series of weekly posts under the theme Women Rule the World.

Because we do.

Not through positions of power, or with wealth, or even because we're bossy. I believe we rule the world through the power of empathy, kindness, vision and love.

So join me every Monday (or Tuesday) in January and February!

Have a Happy Thanksgiving.



Bethanne said...

yes. we do, don't we? I'm enjoying your workshop even though I popped in late. thanks.

Susan said...

Thanks, Bethanne!

I hope to have an interesting string of posts for January and February. We should have some fun!