Sunday, March 22, 2009

Back from Pasic!

I just returned from the Pasic (published authors special interest chapter of RWA) which was held in New York City!

Who doesn't love a trip to New York City?

The Pasic conference itself was wonderful. There's nothing like spending three days with a room full of industry professionals. I loved sharing stories of both the good times and bad! I met some wonderful, wonderful authors, had some fabulous dinners and talked until all hours. Something I haven't done in ... well, about a decade! LOL

I came home to a sulking cat. My poor Sophia felt abandoned. My husband tried feeding her tuna this afternoon to lift her spirits as she awaited me, but nothing made her happy. I was home at least an hour, had distributed the T-shirts and purses I'd bought for my daughter and two sons, before she would even let me pet her. She seems fine now, but she'll be sleeping in my suitcase for the next few weeks. I think it's her way of saying...if you're going again, I'm going with you! LOL

My next trip is to the fabulous Pennwriters Conference in May. This conference is held in Pittsburgh at a hotel near the airport, which, of course, is just off a major highway, so it's very easy to find.

My workshops are STORY, THEME AND IDEA, a fun, hands-on workshop at which attendees will learn how to craft a simple one-paragraph pitch, and my most popular workshop CAN THIS MANUSCRIPT BE SAVED. CAN THIS MANUSCRIPT BE SAVED condenses everything I've learned in the past 20 or so years into a very concise one-hour workshop, complete with handouts and three "published author" tricks for editing without ruining the parts of your manuscript that are good as they are!

Look for another recipe this week on the HOME COOKING section of the site!


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