Tuesday, January 4, 2011



Above is the link for the Story, Theme and Vehicle workshop I'm doing in February.

This is the only time this year I will be doing this workshop. Plus, there are only two other online workshops scheduled this year. I'm writing four books this year and a lot of short stories and content for my website, so I had to scale back on something.

So join me! This is a fun workshop, filled will information about coming up with a story and assuring that you have enough material for a story.

It's always fun.


PS...if you're curious about the other workshops and dates I'm doing CAN THIS MANUSCRIPT BE SAVED in April for the Star chapter...Southern Tier Authors of Romance in New York. A series of articles for Savvy Authors on how to write a Series for Category romance appearing April, May and June and a 4-week workshop for Pennwriters in October PREPARING FOR NANO.

And that's it! If you want to attend one of my workshops this year, you need to hustle! LOL

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